Questions From a Student Teacher

As the internship approaches, many questions have started to arise that I would like to ask the teachers at the schools about. I want to get the most out of my experience as a student teacher, which I think is really well represented by the photo below of what the practicum will be about. By enrolling all of these concepts, I will need to come up with a list of questions for the teachers to really grasp everything there is to as seen in the picture. I think asking these questions will help with my professional development but also this experience will help will my self awareness and what kind of teacher I want to be and will actually be. Since the practicum is open to interpret or take part of basically at one's own discretion, I want to use this self directed learning to make sure I am truly getting as much as I can. Some questions that I have started to wonder are:

1. What is the biggest challenge you, as a teacher faces on a day-to-day basis?
2. Have you personally ever thought of OR been part of teaching abroad?
3. What do you do to be a culturally responsive teacher?
4. What forms of testing students do you find most representative and effective?
5. If you could do it all again from the beginning, what would you change from day 1 of teaching?
6. Do you include inquiry based learning in your classrooms?

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